It’s official now. Not only is John L. Smith my favorite DUI guy, he’s now officially my least favorite TDS guy (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
Just read that pull quote (shown above) from JLS’s latest opinion piece published on the Nevada Independent’s website, a left-wing, money-grubbing piece of online nonsense (my sincere personal opinion) that there ever was.
Seriously? “… you can’t be blamed for not knowing whether to run out and buy a Ford, eat an avocado or set a place at the table for the ghost of your great-great granddad.” Really? You gotta be kidding me. I don’t even know what that means.
I think we’re all a little more sophisticated than you give us credit for, oh great one, JLS. (Written with the highest amount of sarcasm possible.)
And while we’re throwing around lettered abbreviations (DUI, TDS, JLS), I’ll add another well-known grouping of letters as it relates to John L. Smith: POS. Truly, what a POS you are, in my opinion.
Could I be more disgusted with an individual? No. Just sift through this website and see my many issues with him. Six columns by JLS — six opinion pieces where he trashes me and my reputation in court, for the only apparent reason of being in cahoots with disgraced former Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Detective Tom Dillard. Together, between John L. Smith, Dillard and the opposing attorney on the case, the three teamed up on me to bring unwarranted discredit to me to win a case.
In doing so, JLS, Dillard and the attorney crossed the line. And I will never forget that.
Way to go, John L. Smith. Another deranged column in which you attack clear-thinking people as if they were the lowest POS you’ve ever encountered. No wonder people find you so hateful.
What makes your opinion worth anything, JLS? You don’t really have a full-time job anymore, after you left the Las Vegas Review Journal newspaper. I believe you call it “freelance?” Have keyboard, will travel? Is that the idea?
Your career — other than foundering from NPR to another “nonprofit,” the Nevada Independent — has diminished. The supposed “demand” for your writing capabilities has almost disappeared. You’ve heard the joke about opinions, right? They’re like a**holes — everybody has one.
Have you heard of Substack? Plenty of people are on that platform writing their own opinion pieces, many of them for free. Thousands of voices shouting out into the void. (Substack has more than 17,000 writers now actively using the platform.) Every now and then some of them get broader traction. Some of them actually even make money. And you’re missing the evolution on that platform, just like every other once ink-stained wretch. Looks like no one wants you, except the occasional blather of yours that the Indy publishes. Sad.
What experience do you have in life or in your background to even understand the implementation of tariffs? What basis or foundation do you have for your opinion? Just like everyone else, nothing of substance. Quantity does not equal quality, you know, right? Your “long tenure as a newspaper columnist” doesn’t really matter. We’re supposed to listen to your opinion on tariffs — you who once had to file bankruptcy as a result of a $15 million libel lawsuit filed against you and your writing by none other than the late Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon Adelson? Oh, and let’s not forget that even though you had the money, you didn’t cover the medical costs of your daughter’s cancer treatment. (See supporting article here: JLS daughter cancer costs.) I’m glad she made it through her treatment OK. But as to the medical bills you owed related to her cancer care — you stiffed the hospital, didn’t pay.
Please. Spare us.
(And, by the way, reader, I’ll let you do your own digging to find that column by John L. Smith published on the Nevada Independent. I will not make it easier to find by promoting this POPS — Piece Of Pond Scum — by providing a link to it. You should be able to find it yourself easy enough.)