Since this website has been ongoing for more than a decade now, I thought it would be helpful for me to review why this site was created and review the beginnings of JohnLSmithLibel.com
John L. Smith and I go way back. We were “introduced” to each other when I was testifying as a witness in a case being heard in the Southern District of Nevada Federal Court. I put “introduced” in quotes, because the two of us were never really formally introduced.
John L. Smith showed up in the courtroom one day while the case was being tried, not as a reporter who you would expect to report about the facts being presented, but as an opinion columnist for the Las Vegas Review Journal newspaper. Big difference. He, apparently, did not feel bound by the facts of the case, but offered his commentary based on his observations and based on information he was being fed by master manipulator and one-time Las Vegas Metropolitan Police detective, Tom Dillard (also known as Thomas Dillard and T.D. Dillard), who was part of the legal team opposing the legal group that I was a part of, who represented the defendants in the case. Dillard was on the side of the prosecutors.
Dillard’s mission was to try to discredit me and the legal team I was working with. His mission was to try to help the prosecution win the case, not unveil or uncover the truth about the trial or even get the whole story out there — it was just win the case. Dillard, and other cohorts he was working with, such as attorney Tom Pitaro, instigated a strategy of trying to discredit me and intimidate me — taking their practice of witness (me) intimidation to extremes by showing up at my young son’s private elementary school to “surveil” him. They were trying to send a message to me in my opinion. Why else would they do that?
Dillard discredit me? Are you kidding? He did such shoddy work, not in my opinion, but borne out by the facts of court case losses that he was involved in, and costing Clark County and the state of Nevada literally millions of dollars. In a case that the falsely accused (and arrested, and jailed) Howard Haupt brought against Dillard for trying to railroad him into a conviction for the murder of a young boy years ago in Stateline, Nevada (Haupt v. Dillard) ex-Metro Detective Thomas (Tom / T.D.) Dillard (see the complete write up here: Ex-Las Vegas Metro Detective Thomas (a/k/a Tom) Dillard Nailed by Jury for $1 Million, Called “Pure Evil”) was found guilty on all four counts before the jury:
- Violating Howard Haupt’s right to a fair criminal trial.
- A finding in favor of the defendant for damages as a result of that violation.
- Malicious or reckless disregard for Haupt’s right to a fair criminal trial.
- Punitive damages as a result awarded to plaintiff Haupt for $1 million.
As his part in this whole scheme, as I view it, John L. Smith proceeded to write five factually incorrect columns about me in the course of his “coverage” relating to the trial. Those columns were full of untruths, half truths and omitted truths (I like to generally label all that as “lies,” but I’m being polite here). John L. Smith twisted my testimony into something that it wasn’t. He did no actual individual reportage or due diligence and only wrote what was fed to him.
When you have a newspaper, which purchases ink by the barrel and paper by the ton, publishing negative, untruthful stories about you, it’s not easy to rebut that kind of coverage. So I decided to create this website and put out to the public my side of the story. It’s what I like to call “leveling the playing field by telling your side of the story.”
One of my nicknames for John L. Smith, which you’ll see throughout this site, is “The Untruthful Reporter,” for reasons I have outlined throughout this site. I invite you to review everything published throughout this site over the past 13 years or so.
One of my other nicknames for John L. Smith is that he’s my favorite “DUI Guy.” I’ve made John L. Smith one of my main items of focus over the past decade plus. When you focus on specific subject matter, as I have within this website on John L. Smith, it’s amazing what you find when you shine a light into the dark corners of someone’s life that they don’t want you to see. I did that. I started shining a light into the dark corners of John L. Smith’s life and found some very interesting and damning info about him:
- John L. Smith was slapped with a $15 million libel lawsuit for what he wrote about late billionaire Sheldon Adelson in a book Smith published called “Sharks in the Desert.”
- As a result of that lawsuit, John L. Smith was forced to file bankruptcy. He has a bankruptcy record.
- John L. Smith was pulled over by LVMPD and charged with DUI on Sept. 18, 2010. He even has a police arrest mug shot, which has been published in a number of places within this website.
Why should it matter to you that John L. Smith has a DUI arrest and pleaded no contest to the subsequent charges a number of years back? He was driving dunk. Is that OK in anybody’s book? A reporter’s or columnist’s stock in trade is their credibility – their trustworthiness. At the end of the day, facts are facts: John L Smith is a libelous, bankrupt and disingenuous person who operated and still operates with his own personal agenda. As a so-called “journalist,” he should know better.