Category Archives: Blog Posts

Transparency: The Reason for this Blog

I’d like to talk about the purpose of this Website. It really boils down to one thing: transparency. I think it’s important for people to know about people in the public eye who have potential to have – and actually DO … Continue reading

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John “The Con” L. Smith – All Show, No Go …
And Derelict in My Opinion

So here’s a major problem I have with the kind of guy John L. Smith is: On the one hand, he makes these grand gestures, obviously heart felt and personal, by supporting these “St. Baldrick’s Foundation” events for kids who … Continue reading

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John L. Smith, The theme today is “Acceptance of Responsiblility”, The Opinion of Steve Barket

By Steve Barket Las Vegas Nevada, August 21, 2013 The Theme Here is “Acceptance of Responsibility” Let’s see how this plays out with John L. Smith. (alleged actions by Smith) I’m going to tell you a story about Smith, a … Continue reading

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The LVRJ’s John L. Smith vs. Kenny “Clutch” Cherry Jr. – In My Opinion by Steve Barket Las Vegas Nevada

Steven Barket Las Vegas, Nevada 8-21-2013 In My Opinion I read an article by John L. Smith about Kenny “Clutch Cherry Jr.”, It made me think ?         Similarities? Differences? More similarities than differences, I’m afraid. The LVRJ’s John … Continue reading

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Dear John L. Smith the “critic” of all ! My opinion

Steven Barket posted June 14th 2013 Las Vegas Nevada A critic is a professional who is communicating their opinions and assessments of various forms of creative work such as art, literature, music, cinema, theater, fashion, architecture and food. But is … Continue reading

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John L. Smith Las Vegas Nevada LVRJ…… 1,000,000 plus page views ! wow

I of all people know that page hit counters are a thing of the past, how ever this site has been up since August 2010, Almost 3 years this August it has received in excess of 1,000,000 million hits as … Continue reading

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Steve Barket Asks John L. Smith of the LVRJ: Are Deliberate Omissions the Same as Lies? In My Opinion, YES!

Dear John, I’m challenging you to an open forum, whether it be a recorded phone call or meeting, to discuss why you print lies and omissions and not both sides of the story — in other words, I want to … Continue reading

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LVRJ’s John L Smith… Has to pay up by July 28th 2012, after ex-wife hauls him back to court !!

John L. Smith the award winning journalist, libel, bankrupt and DUI guy has to keep his word to the court and ex-wife. After watching the court video from June 13th 2012 it was clear that John L. Smith thinks that … Continue reading

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John Lyle Smith a suggestion from Steve Barket !

The first time I had ever noticed John L Smith, I was sitting on the witness stand in federal court. Smith had on a bow tie and reeked of arrogance. How did Smith end up in this courtroom? Tom Dillard … Continue reading

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John L Smith : Divorce Register of Actions Clark County Nevada

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John L. Smith Divorce

As a result of an anonymous tip (with pictures) I first reported this information on August 5, 2010 about problems in John L Smith’s marriage with wife Patricia Goldberg Smith. On August 5th 2010 I received information that I declined … Continue reading

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John L. Smith, Patricia A. Smith (Goldberg) Hit the Trifecta;
For Three Years in a Row, LIENS Have Been Filed …

Nothing shocks me about the bankrupt, libelous, DUI guy of Las Vegas – John L. Smith. John Lyle Smith is the voice of the Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ), the Las Vegas good-old-boys, Tom Dillard and all the rest. Smith … Continue reading

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Steven Barket Las Vegas, NV; Why do I Publish This Blog?

John L Smith has written several untruthful articles in the Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ) about me. This blog is my side of the story. John L Smith looks like a long-time, up-and-up, successful columnist. But after a little digging … Continue reading

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John L. Smith – Three Key Words You Need to Learn:
Credibility, Credibility, Credibility

Just for clarification, I did a little research on the Internet, and look what I found (I know you’re John L Smith, award-winning journalist, but what the heck!): So John, click on that “Journalistic credibility” definition above to go to … Continue reading

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John L Smith, Here’s Steve Barket’s Wish:
That You Can Always Keep Your Job at the LVRJ! … LOL!

Dear John, I hope you can always keep your job at the Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ). I could only imagine how your resumé might read should you need to look for something new. Perhaps something like this: John Lyle … Continue reading

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Dear John L Smith (a k a the DUI Guy),
When Will You Ever Print the Truth About the Bonvicin Case?

I am wondering: When you wrote your last article, why was it like your others – so inaccurate?  

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Now Taking Votes for My Favorite MUG SHOTS of John L. Smith

Mug Shot #1: The “OK-I-am-caught” look. Or Mug Shot #2: The “deer-in-the-headlights” look. Comments are now open!!!!!

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Steve Barket’s New Phrase for John L. Smith’s Writing Style:
WUI – Writing Under the Influence …

John L Smith, I would like to coin a new phrase for your style of writing: WUI – Writing Under the Influence! (Not to be confused, Mr. Smith, with your recent DUI arrest.) The influence I speak of this time … Continue reading

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WUI – Writing Under the Influence …

John L. Smith and the True Survivor, Ricardo Bonivcin:
Steven Barket’s Response

Dear Mr. Smith: You’ve been writing about me for more than three years now, and you never stop being a source of fun and entertainment in my life. I would like to coin a new phrase for your style of … Continue reading

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Steven Barket’s Response

John L. Smith LVRJ Columnist Bankruptcy Update

Please see updated info on Las Vegas Review Journal columnist John Lyle Smith’s big bankruptcy ($15.6 million).

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John L Smith Lies About Ricardo Bonvicin Case
In Order To Discredit Steve Barket, Las Vegas, Nevada

In one of John L Smith’s (a k a  the DUI Guy) many negative articles in the Las Vegas Review Journal (April 30, 2009 ) about me, Smith wrote, “… although Jones stopped short of calling Bonvicin a victim.” If … Continue reading

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In Order To Discredit Steve Barket, Las Vegas, Nevada

John L. Smith Forgot This Part of the Story!

Those words in all caps in the headline above were the words of Federal Judge Robert C. Jones. I guess John L Smith thought they were no big deal. Gee John … you told me you read the transcripts.

John L. Smith Forgot This Part of the Story!

John L. Smith’s Saga: What’s Next for the Supected DUI Guy?
… My Favorite Mug Shot!!!

Still waiting on the blood alcohol content report. What deal will John L. Smith make with the DA’s office? Another great mug shot of the ‘Untruthful Reporter’ …

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… My Favorite Mug Shot!!!

Steve Barket Looks at John L Smith;
Key Words: Moral Turpitude

Moral turpitude refers to “conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals.” John L Smith faces more than $15 million in libel suits, and as a result … bankruptcy. Toss in a DUI arrest … Continue reading

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Key Words: Moral Turpitude

Steve Barket on John L Smith’s Recent Arrest:
The ‘DUI Guy’ – a k a John Lyle Smith

How will the Las Vegas Review Journal sweep this under the carpet? I can’t wait to read their reporter’s side of the story. Perhaps it will go something like, “It was late and I was tired ….”  or,  “My job … Continue reading

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The ‘DUI Guy’ – a k a John Lyle Smith

John L Smith, Las Vegas Review Journal:
Ace Reporter Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

Steve Barket looks at the Las Vegas DUI Guy … arrested 9-18-2010. Bankruptcy, libel lawsuits, DUI … and he still has a job!!! Only in Las Vegas!!

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Ace Reporter Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

Is Divorce in John L Smith’s Future?

I have received an anonymous phone call from a person stating that John L. Smith may possibly be getting ready to file for divorce from wife Patricia. Anyone with additional information please E-mail me at

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This Site is Underway!

Please stand by!!!

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Steve Barket’s Libel Site About John L. Smith

I will walk through each and every libel lawsuit filed against John L. Smith. John L. Smith’s reporting is very slanted!!

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