Transparency: The Reason for this Blog

I’d like to talk about the purpose of this Website.

It really boils down to one thing: transparency.

I think it’s important for people to know about people in the public eye who have potential to have – and actually DO have – influence over the public’s thinking and perception of things in general. I’m a professional blogger; I think it’s important to shine a light where light very often doesn’t get shined.

Take for example Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ) columnist John L Smith. I know this man’s work very well. He has written several factually incorrect pieces in the Review Journal about me. So that begs the question: If he’s written this kind of factually incorrect stuff about me that I KNOW is inaccurate, and had it published in the newspaper, what else has he gotten wrong? What other errors or omissions has he published under his byline that have influenced the beliefs and actions of the citizens of the Las Vegas area – and beyond, now with the reach of the Internet. How can you trust him? How can you trust his credibility? I know I certainly can’t.

Anyone walking the streets of the Las Vegas area and grabbing a daily newspaper, opening up to John L Smith’s column and reading it would think, “Oh, that’s interesting.”

But anyone who reads what John L Smith writes should look through the posts on this Website to get the complete picture. That’s when it really gets interesting.

As outward appearances go, John L Smith looks like a long-time, up-and-up, successful columnist. But after a little digging and after following some other tips coming from comments posted by my readers, a whole different story emerges.

For example, would it matter to you, the reader, that John L Smith has been hit with a $15 million libel suit, and as a result had to run to bankruptcy court for protection? Now you know what libel is, right? I’ll give you the straight up dictionary definition: “a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.” Would it also matter to you that he has a DUI arrest and pleaded no contest several years back? Driving dunk. Is that OK in anybody’s book? A reporter’s or columnist’s stock in trade is their credibility – their trustworthiness. At the end of the day, facts are facts: John L Smith is a libelous, bankrupt and disingenuous person with his own personal agenda.

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John “The Con” L. Smith – All Show, No Go …
And Derelict in My Opinion

So here’s a major problem I have with the kind of guy John L. Smith is: On the one hand, he makes these grand gestures, obviously heart felt and personal, by supporting these “St. Baldrick’s Foundation” events for kids who suffer from cancer. The foundation raises money that goes to cancer treatment by holding head-shaving events throughout the country. Smith’s own daughter suffered from cancer years ago. And of course, that’s a terrible thing no child and no parent should ever have to deal with. However, on the other hand, we know that when he could, and when he had the means, he didn’t foot the bill for his daughter’s cancer treatment. And he opted to utilize the Ronald McDonald House charity, which exists to help support people with little or no means with housing. And they don’t turn away anyone.

Here’s the kicker, though. When John “The Con” filed for bankruptcy, we see that he stiffed the very people who treated his daughter for cancer – just outright didn’t pay them.


Check out just a few examples illustrated in this post (see above – click on it to see a larger file size). There’s an unpaid bill for $188 from Arizona Oncology Services. There’s another one for $20 from the AZ Pediatric Hematology/Oncology group. And one from the same group for $124.32. And another one from the Banner Desert Medical Center for $505.64; and another one from them for $682.37.

Now John “The Con” L. Smith wasn’t exactly hurting at the time, financially. He had saved almost $206,000; he owned some pricey real estate and at the same time was making a salary somewhere in the low six figures.

Why? Why not pay those bills? We’re talking about $1300 or so in these examples. Subtract that from the nearly $206,000 he had saved, and if you’re John “The Con” L. Smith, you’re still looking at being able to hold onto more than $204,000.

What am I missing? What sort of logic am I not seeing?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, my significant other and I have donated more money to the Ronald McDonald House over the years than Smith has spent there for his own daughter’s cancer treatment. I find that just incredibly sad. And I find that it speaks volumes about the kind of man John “The Con” L. Smith is.

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John L. Smith, The theme today is “Acceptance of Responsiblility”, The Opinion of Steve Barket

By Steve Barket Las Vegas Nevada, August 21, 2013

The Theme Here is “Acceptance of Responsibility”

Let’s see how this plays out with John L. Smith.

(alleged actions by Smith)

I’m going to tell you a story about Smith, a libel suit, cancer treatment, divorce, and how it all ties together.

John L. Smith, the opinionist at the Las Vegas Review Journal, wrote a book published by Barricade Books in 2005 entitled, “Sharks in the Desert: The Founding Fathers and Current Kings of Las Vegas.”

Sheldon Adelson was a topic of discussion in the book. Adelson is the owner of The Venetian resort and one of the wealthiest men on the planet, worth billions. What Smith  wrote about Adelson in the book was not truthful. Adelson didn’t like that. So he sued Smith and the book publisher for libel. His suit against Smith was for $15 million. And it wasn’t about the money.

This all happened during a time when Smith’s 8-year-old daughter was undergoing treatment for life-threatening cancer. Kind of a sad story so far, isn’t it? But there’s more.

And remember our theme here: acceptance of responsibility. Throughout this story, we have at its core a man who refuses to accept responsibility for his own actions.

Now, Smith is not Adelson by any stretch when it comes to financial resources. However, Smith was not without means. He had put away a nest egg of more than $200,000; he had well-valued real estate on Mt. Charleston, Sandy Valley and Goldfield; and a salary in the low six figures — somewhere in the $150,000 range. Not too bad, right? Again, not Adelson, but not too bad.

So with his daughter ill and facing a $15 million libel suit, what’s a guy to do? Well, you reject a $1 settlement and admission of guilt, which is the deal Smith was offered by Adelson. One dollar and an acceptance of responsibility. And Smith rejected it.

Smith could have been free and clear  of the $15 million libel suit hanging over his head if he had just simply accepted responsibility. He could have used his accumulated wealth to help take care of his daughter. But he didn’t do that.

I know what it’s like to deal with a child’s illness. I had a child who was very sick for a long time, and who needed very expensive medical treatments and medicine. I sacrificed everything to pay for it. I lost my house, my car, I had to move in with my mother in law … I did what it took to get that treatment. I didn’t look for a freebie to try to save my money.

I guess Smith and I are different. Very different. I accepted the responsibility as a father to spare no expense, including the loss of most of my possessions, to make sure my son got well. Smith, well … there’s that responsibility thing again. Or the lack thereof.

Now comes the divorce. After all this transpires, Smith’s wife files for divorce from him. And what does he do? Now he dips into his nest egg of more than $200,000 to pay for the divorce.

Does this guy know how to work the system, or what?

Just Google: also L.O.L the corrections “clarification on 10/13/07, more excuses !

John L. Smith / October 12, 2007 / Columnist pursues bankruptcy protection

Responsibility, John L. Smith. You might try it sometime.

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The LVRJ’s John L. Smith vs. Kenny “Clutch” Cherry Jr. – In My Opinion by Steve Barket Las Vegas Nevada

Steven Barket Las Vegas, Nevada 8-21-2013

In My Opinion

I read an article by John L. Smith about Kenny “Clutch Cherry Jr.”, It made me think ?

      John L Smith Las Vegas NV arrestedJohn L Smith Las Vegas vs Kenny 'Clutch" Cherry Jr.


Similarities? Differences? More similarities than differences, I’m afraid.

The LVRJ’s John L. Smith: Arrogant, above the law, classic narcissistic tendencies. He is, after all, a writer – and a writer of opinion – as if his opinion is valued above others.

Kenny “Clutch” Cherry Jr.: Arrogant, above the law, classic narcissistic tendencies. He was, after all, a pimp – until his lifestyle and his life came to an end in a fiery crash in Las Vegas after being shot while driving a leased Maserati.

Smith got in trouble when he wrote factually incorrect information in a book about billionaire Sheldon Adelson and Adelson decided to sue Smith for $15 million. That hurts. Things went quickly downhill from there for Smith. As a result of the lawsuit, and to cover other debts he says he incurred while taking care of his cancer-stricken daughter, Smith filed for bankruptcy.

Cherry got in trouble in a number of ways in his role as a pimp. According to an affidavit filed by a former girlfriend and the mother of one of his three children, one day a couple years ago at the apartment they shared, Cherry beat and kicked her into the hall and locked her out of the apartment. He did this because his former girlfriend and the mother of one of his children dared to question handing over to Cherry her entire take each day – set by Cherry to be a minimum of $1500 – after “meeting” with “clients.”

Things were always on the brink of going downhill quickly for Cherry. That’s the life of a pimp. Things really went downhill in a very bad way for him that day on the Las Vegas strip after an argument he had ended up with Cherry being pursued by a man in a black Range Rover who shot repeatedly at Cherry, mortally wounding him. Cherry crashed into a taxi, which erupted into flames, killing the driver and his passenger. Cherry also  died.

There are a lot more details to both stories, and each has its share of complexities, but here’s the take-away: Both Smith and Cherry exhibited this “can’t touch me” mentality and behavior. It led them both to act in an “invincible” way, which ultimately proved to be their undoing. It was their defiance and their lack of acceptance of wrongdoing.

Smith defiantly refused to accept a negotiated offer to pay a $1 restitution and apologize to Adelson. He paid for it by going bankrupt. Cherry defiantly refused to abandon the thug life he was living. He paid for it with his life.

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Dear John L. Smith the “critic” of all ! My opinion

Steven Barket posted June 14th 2013 Las Vegas Nevada

John L. Smith DUI guy at LVRJJohn L. Smith LVRJ

A critic is a professional who is communicating their opinions and assessments of various forms of creative work such as art, literature, music, cinema, theater, fashion, architecture and food.

But is John L. Smith a CRITIC or a Bankrupt DUI guy that is recently divorced ?Who was found to be guilty (libel) in a court of law that had to run to bankruptcy court as a safe haven….. that would be the John L. Smith I know.


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John L. Smith Las Vegas Nevada LVRJ…… 1,000,000 plus page views ! wow

I of all people know that page hit counters are a thing of the past, how ever this site has been up since August 2010, Almost 3 years this August it has received in excess of 1,000,000 million hits as a reminder of that I have installed a hit counter for all to see.


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Steve Barket Asks John L. Smith of the LVRJ: Are Deliberate Omissions the Same as Lies? In My Opinion, YES!

Dear John,

I’m challenging you to an open forum, whether it be a recorded phone call or meeting, to discuss why you print lies and omissions and not both sides of the story — in other words, I want to know why you simply print what you want, and not let the other guy defend himself. What you’re doing in your LVRJ columns is clearly defamation.

You wrote a story a while back. You referred to Ricardo Bonvicin, that North Las Vegas cop we have widely divergent opinions on, as a “true survivor.” Well, I call him a “true sociopath.”

It’ll really be a bad day for anyone the day Bonvicin, a North Las Vegas cop, gets involved in their life.

There’s a lot missing in your story, in my opinion. There are some things that you should have gone over with Bonvicin that you neglected to discuss with him. For example, why didn’t you ask him to explain his bankruptcy? And why didn’t you think to ask him how he payed for private detective Tom Dillard?

And why didn’t you ask him to explain his own words, which I have recorded, when he states the legal strategy he will pursue:
“Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counter accusations.”

Those are the words of a cop — a North Las Vegas law enforcement officer. Ricardo Bonvicin.

It’s all in the court records, if you’d care to look. Maybe you should stop offering opinions on things like this that you obviously don’t do enough homework on.

I’ve been working on a complete website about Bonvicin, his life and lies. You’ll find it interesting reading. That is, of course, assuming you actually do some research about the subjects you’re writing on and gain some factual information.

But I won’t hold my breath on that.

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LVRJ’s John L Smith… Has to pay up by July 28th 2012, after ex-wife hauls him back to court !!

John L. Smith the award winning journalist, libel, bankrupt and DUI guy has to keep his word to the court and ex-wife.

After watching the court video from June 13th 2012 it was clear that John L. Smith thinks that it is more important to use his 401K to pay for his home on Mt. Charleston then it was to use those funds to pay his child’s medical bills in his past bankruptcy.

Smith seems to have retained  a lot of real-estate after his bankruptcy, two lots in Sandy Valley, one in Goldfield and his home on Mt. Charleston. According to court records Smiths 401K grew at least 50k since his last bankruptcy and his attorney said in court that he may use a combination of  “refinance and his 401k” to payoff his ex wife.

Wow John L. Smith will shave his head to help others but wont dip into his own 401K to pay for his child’s medical bills. The same 401K that he had access to in 2007 had  $205,850.00 according to his schedule C. now that has grown to over 250K. Instead of stiffing the doctors and other medical service’s Smith could have paid back at least some of his medical debt. My opinion John L. Smith is a deadbeat, who worked the system over.



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John Lyle Smith a suggestion from Steve Barket !

The first time I had ever noticed John L Smith, I was sitting on the witness stand in federal court. Smith had on a bow tie and reeked of arrogance. How did Smith end up in this courtroom?

Tom Dillard of course – I have been told by numerous people that Tom Dillard has John L. Smith’s cell number on  speed dial. I have even been told that Dillard brags about his “media” contacts.

Since I have been following John L. Smith and published this blog, Smith has made it easy to find things to write about him. A short list of the highlights:

  1. $15,000,000.00 Bankruptcy (he stiffed a lot of the doctors for medical bills after filling his IRA with over $200,000.00 dollars).
  2. Libel suits, Wynn, Adelson and others (one the many reasons for his bankruptcy)
  3. DUI Arrest, No contest Plea 2-24-2011
  4. Divorce proceedings 4-29-2011, not going well for  John L. Smith Motion for order to show cause (stick to the agreed order John)

My advice to one of my favorite Las Vegas Buffoons, perhaps you should  get  E & A insurance ? 

Ego and Arrogance Insurance !

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John L Smith : Divorce Register of Actions Clark County Nevada

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John L. Smith Divorce

As a result of an anonymous tip (with pictures) I first reported this information on August 5, 2010 about problems in John L Smith’s marriage with wife Patricia Goldberg Smith.

On August 5th 2010 I received information that I declined to print. It included alleged stories of excessive drinking and womanizing. I am a legitimate blogger with rights, I chose the high road and declined to accept  the pictures. They had been taken at and in the parking lot of the Coffee Pub  off of Sahara Ave in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Out of an abundance of caution, I declined to accept or publish the candid photos. As I could not verify the origin or authenticity of the pictures. I also could not confirm the identity of the female in the pictures.

Now, after two years of sitting on this information, it looks as though the information may have had some validity after all.

John Lyle Smith and his wife Patricia Goldberg Smith  (also know as Pamela Goldberg) filed a divorce proceeding on 4-29-2011.

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John L. Smith, Patricia A. Smith (Goldberg) Hit the Trifecta;
For Three Years in a Row, LIENS Have Been Filed …

Nothing shocks me about the bankrupt, libelous, DUI guy of Las Vegas – John L. Smith.

John Lyle Smith is the voice of the Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ), the Las Vegas good-old-boys, Tom Dillard and all the rest. Smith is a funny guy from time to time. And this time it’s my turn to laugh out loud.

You would think that Smith would learn to pay his TRASH BILL (Republic Services) on time. Three years in a row – 2008, 2009 and 2010 – a lien was filed against John L. Smith and wife Patrice A. Smith (Goldberg).

Before I go any further, who can John L. Smith possibly blame for this misfortune? One thing for sure, it is not his fault (and as we know, with him nothing ever is). Perhaps it was his allegedly cashed-strapped wife, or maybe it was because he had to put too much money into his IRA. I hope to find the answers one day. For now, here is what’s alleged in the Clark County records:

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Steven Barket Las Vegas, NV; Why do I Publish This Blog?

John L Smith has written several untruthful articles in the Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ) about me.

This blog is my side of the story.

John L Smith looks like a long-time, up-and-up, successful columnist. But after a little digging and a few leads coming from comments posted by my readers, a whole different story emerges.

John L Smith has been sued for libel and as a result had to run to bankruptcy court for protection. Driving dunk – is that OK in anybody’s book?

John L Smith’s many articles have been damaging to my reputation. Anyone who reads what John L Smith writes should look through the posts on my website to get the complete picture.

John L Smith has another agenda, that of supporting the Las Vegas good-old-boy network.

At the end of the day, facts are facts: John L Smith is a libelous, bankrupt and disingenuous person with his own personal agenda. I’m now labeling him as the New Las Vegas DUI guy!

What follows, what is published in this blog, is my opinion and is based on court records – not innuendo.


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John L. Smith – Three Key Words You Need to Learn:
Credibility, Credibility, Credibility

Just for clarification, I did a little research on the Internet, and look what I found (I know you’re John L Smith, award-winning journalist, but what the heck!):

So John, click on that “Journalistic credibility” definition above to go to a link you should read. I am not sure these guys are up to speed on your clout, colorful background, bankruptcy and DUI status, but WOW! You should read what they say:

Society of Professional Journalists SPJ Code of Ethics (Please don’t be upset with me and write additional less-than-complete or untruthful articles just because I pointed out what this small group of professional journalists say.)

Integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility!

Just wondering about the recent DUI and those old libel cases … do they count?

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John L Smith, Here’s Steve Barket’s Wish:
That You Can Always Keep Your Job at the LVRJ! … LOL!

Dear John,

I hope you can always keep your job at the Las Vegas Review Journal (LVRJ).

I could only imagine how your resumé might read should you need to look for something new. Perhaps something like this:

John Lyle Smith,

More than 26 years on the job; had to file bankruptcy only once for libel. It’s because Sheldon Adelson and Stephen Wynn did not like my books.  Who do those guys think they are, anyway?!? Don’t forget: I am an award-wining  journalist!

My bankruptcy was just a little over $15,600,000.00 dollars. That’s $15.6 million. It’s just a number, but who’s counting, anyway?

Only one arrest for DUI – I got off with a slap on the wrist (got the same lawyer as that Maloof  guy … that’s way cool). Pleaded no contest, that’s got to be better than a straight-up conviction.

If you must know, I was in my favorite Nevada town of Pahrump at another awards banquet. If you ever get the chance to check out Pahrump, I have never been, but I’ve been told they have great brothels.

Sometimes I mix a little truth into my stories. Remember, I only had to file bankruptcy once for libel. It wasn’t that big of a deal at my last job. So when considering me for a new position, I hope you to can overlook it like the LVRJ did.

So don’t let my past be a deal-breaker. I can always move to Pahrump!

Yours Truly,

John L. Smith
The Bankrupt, Libelous, DUI Guy of Las Vegas

PS: Always thinking of you. Have a nice day!

Steve Barket

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Dear John L Smith (a k a the DUI Guy),
When Will You Ever Print the Truth About the Bonvicin Case?

I am wondering: When you wrote your last article, why was it like your others – so inaccurate?


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Now Taking Votes for My Favorite MUG SHOTS of John L. Smith

Mug Shot #1: The “OK-I-am-caught” look.


John L Smith September 2010 MUG SHOT

Mug Shot #2: The “deer-in-the-headlights” look.

Comments are now open!!!!!

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Steve Barket’s New Phrase for John L. Smith’s Writing Style:
WUI – Writing Under the Influence …

John L Smith, I would like to coin a new phrase for your style of writing: WUI – Writing Under the Influence! (Not to be confused, Mr. Smith, with your recent DUI arrest.)

The influence I speak of this time is not alcohol-related, but that of the good-old-boy network, right  here in Las Vegas: Tom Dillard, Tom Pitaro, etc.

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WUI – Writing Under the Influence …

John L. Smith and the True Survivor, Ricardo Bonivcin:
Steven Barket’s Response

John L Smith September 2010 MUG SHOT

Dear Mr. Smith:

You’ve been writing about me for more than three years now, and you never stop being a source of fun and entertainment in my life. I would like to coin a new phrase for your style of writing – WUI: Writing Under the Influence! (Not to be confused, Mr. Smith, with your recent DUI arrest.)

The influence I speak of this time is not alcohol-related, but that of the good-old-boy network, right here in Las Vegas: Tom Dillard, Tom Pitaro, etc. I would think that after all the years of your reporting, you could at least once write the story accurately. Regarding the FBI’s 302 (report of interviews) forms that you speak of – did you read them or just glance at them? Do you think Bonvicin gave money to my ex-wife out of the goodness of his heart? Or was he trying to buy her testimony?

As for my websites, it’s the only way I can deliver my side of the story. I tried to talk to you once and realized you only wanted to beat me up more; the truth in your life is an after-the-fact thing.  In my website about you, I deal in facts: court records showing DUI, LIBEL, BANKRUPTCY, etc.

My favorite day was when I woke up to your DUI arrest, then read about your bankruptcy and libel suits. That was more amusing than the stories you put in print about me.

Good luck with your DUI, and I look forward to seeing YOU in court as the defendant.  As for the estranged wife, we can all learn from that – even you!

The next time you speak to Bonvicin, the true survivor, ask him about Maha Messoud!!! Somehow, I’m sure that part of the story won’t end up in the LVRJ.

Have a nice day,

Steve Barket

P.S. – Check your spelling. Be has only one “E” not two. (Don’t take that too hard, though, I can’t spell either!)

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Steven Barket’s Response

John L. Smith LVRJ Columnist Bankruptcy Update

Please see updated info on Las Vegas Review Journal columnist John Lyle Smith’s big bankruptcy ($15.6 million).

John L Smith September 2010 MUG SHOT

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John L Smith Lies About Ricardo Bonvicin Case
In Order To Discredit Steve Barket, Las Vegas, Nevada

In one of John L Smith’s (a k a  the DUI Guy) many negative articles in the Las Vegas Review Journal (April 30, 2009 ) about me, Smith wrote, “… although Jones stopped short of calling Bonvicin a victim.”

If the bankrupt, alleged DUI Guy would have listened to what Judge Jones really said (transcript) and I quote from the transcript: “AGAIN, I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT I AM NOT EXONERATING MR. BONVICIN .” (My capital letters.)

John L Smith September 2010 MUG SHOT

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In Order To Discredit Steve Barket, Las Vegas, Nevada

John L. Smith Forgot This Part of the Story!

Those words in all caps in the headline above were the words of Federal Judge Robert C. Jones. I guess John L Smith thought they were no big deal. Gee John … you told me you read the transcripts.

John L Smith September 2010 MUG SHOT

John L. Smith Forgot This Part of the Story!

John L. Smith’s Saga: What’s Next for the Supected DUI Guy?
… My Favorite Mug Shot!!!

Still waiting on the blood alcohol content report. What deal will John L. Smith make with the DA’s office?

Another great mug shot of the ‘Untruthful Reporter’ …

John L Smith September 2010 MUG SHOT

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… My Favorite Mug Shot!!!

Steve Barket Looks at John L Smith;
Key Words: Moral Turpitude

Moral turpitude refers to “conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals.”

John L Smith faces more than $15 million in libel suits, and as a result … bankruptcy. Toss in a DUI arrest and so on (just take a look at that mug shot below):

Where’s Tom Dillard and Tom Pitaro when you need them??????????????????

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Key Words: Moral Turpitude

Steve Barket on John L Smith’s Recent Arrest:
The ‘DUI Guy’ – a k a John Lyle Smith

How will the Las Vegas Review Journal sweep this under the carpet? I can’t wait to read their reporter’s side of the story. Perhaps it will go something like, “It was late and I was tired ….”  or,  “My job is too much … ”

Poor John.

$15,644,671 – BANKRUPTCY, LIBEL LAWSUITS, DUI ARREST … that’s OK, John L Smith. The LVRJ will look the other way, won’t it?

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The ‘DUI Guy’ – a k a John Lyle Smith

John L Smith, Las Vegas Review Journal:
Ace Reporter Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

Steve Barket looks at the Las Vegas DUI Guy … arrested 9-18-2010.

Bankruptcy, libel lawsuits, DUI … and he still has a job!!! Only in Las Vegas!!

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Ace Reporter Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

Is Divorce in John L Smith’s Future?

I have received an anonymous phone call from a person stating that John L. Smith may possibly be getting ready to file for divorce from wife Patricia. Anyone with additional information please E-mail me at

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This Site is Underway!

Please stand by!!!

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Steve Barket’s Libel Site About John L. Smith

I will walk through each and every libel lawsuit filed against John L. Smith.

John L. Smith’s reporting is very slanted!!

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